Partners in Parenting
Partners in Parenting


Parent Education Program


 Guiding Families Through Transitions of Divorce & Separation
Partner in Parenting is an educational program designed to teach effective parenting during the transitions of divorce or parental separation. It impresses upon parents the critical role they play in the child’s ability to adjust to changes surrounding the divorce.
  • Emphasize parent’s responsibility to provide a nurturing and non-threatening environment for children.
  •  Identify feelings associated with divorce and effective means of coping with emotional stress.
  •  Understand ways that children of different ages react during transition.
  •  Learn a parenting approach that will benefit children.
  •  Practice recommended ways of talking to children about divorce or separation.
  •  Recognition of behavioral signs that would indicate a need for assistance or support outside the family.
Two (2) three and one half seminars are offered every month to accommodate different schedules.

1)      One Saturday of each month from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30a.m. (includes breaks).


2)      One Monday evening each month from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Where: This seminar is held in the CRC Building at Bashor Children’s Home in Goshen. 

COST: $75 per person.  To register click here.
Registration and payment must be made in advance.  Payment may be made with cash, money order or MasterCard/Visa. If paying by cash, please bring exact change.
Payment is to be made in the Administration Building at Bashor Children’s Home at 62226 CR 15, Goshen. Credit/debit payments may be made over the phone or on the website. Call 875-5117 to register.