Program Mission
Provide a therapeutic, child and family-centered program promoting the growth of self-esteem in children and empower parents to become effective advocates for their child.
Target Population
Students in grades K-6 who are not performing well in a public school setting.
Treatment Philosophy
The Elementary Education Program utilizes multiple resources to facilitate the overall growth of children and families. These resources include families, schools, public agencies and Bashor staff. The program provides students with the skills they need to return to public school and equips parents to assist in their progress.
Referral Process
Students are referred by their individual school system in consultation with the program director.
Program Features
Small classroom settings with a licensed instructor and low student/teacher ratio. Individual, group and family counseling. Case management services. A Behavior Specialist to help students develop classroom coping skills, anger control and frustration tolerance. Daily and weekly reports to parents, placing agencies and school systems. Discharges and transition plans provided and after care services available.
For more information contact:
Melinda Hostetler, Program Director of Alternative Education
574-875-5117 or MHostetler@bashor.org