Program Mission
Assist emotionally handicapped youth in the development of positive in-school behaviors, preparing them for a return to a public school setting.
Target Population
Students in grades 5-10, previously identified as emotionally handicapped, and not performing well in a public school setting.
Treatment Philosophy
Bashor Alternative School attempts to teach students effective methods of socialization. The staff assists students in learning alternative methods of dealing with stress, anger control, and frustration tolerance.
Referral Process
Students are referred to BAS through Elkhart Community Schools and/or the Elkhart County Special Education Cooperative. Residential placements in need of alternative services may also attend.
Program Features
Small classroom settings with licensed instructors and low student/teacher ratio.
The curriculum includes language arts, math, science, social studies, art, physical education, health, study skills, and life skills. A stimulating menu of elective courses may also be available.
Individual, group and family counseling, case management services and a Behavioral Specialist. APEX, a computer based educational program, is offered and aimed at credit achievement and recovery. Implement positive behavior support systems (IBIS).
Daily and weekly reporting to parents or guardians, placement agencies and appropriate school systems. Quarterly meetings held with placing schools to discuss student progress.
For more information contact:
Melinda Hostetler
Program Director, Alternative Education Services
574-875-5117 or MHostetler@bashor.org