
FAITH Program – Family and Independent Therapeutic Home

FAITH provides a continuum of residential care built on structure and routine to establish healthy living patterns. The program begins with a secure setting, transitions to staff secure group care in a cottage setting and continues with independent living skills in a less restrictive setting. FAITH provides efficient, effective treatment and guidance to adolescent boys and girls, focusing on the coping skills they need to deal with the problem areas in their lives. The program also involves the natural family or foster family in the therapeutic process.

One component of FAITH is the Substance Abuse Program (Martin Cottage) which focuses on individual treatment and family group therapy to help adolescent boys and girls overcome addictive behaviors.


HOPE Program – Helping Offending Patterns End

This program provides boys ages 8-13 years old a highly structured and therapeutic residential unit utilizing behavior modification techniques, relapse prevention and positive discipline to confront offending attitudes and behaviors and develop appropriate internal controls and social skills.  


ESC provides a stable, safe, structured and compassionate residential environment to children and youth (boys and girls) requiring protective care on a short-term basis. The program seeks to stabilize the behavior of residents and teach responsibility through predictable, dependable expectations and daily structure.


This is an extension of the day treatment and residential programs on campus designed to recruit, train and support foster parents. Foster homes are specifically developed to receive specialized training in independent living, substance abuse or sexual offender treatment and work closely with program directors, therapists and case managers.


Bashor Children’s Home Programs and Services