Program Mission
Help residents accept responsibility for their offending behaviors and develop the skills necessary to return to their own home, foster home, or appropriate community based program. Family focus is emphasized.
Target Population
The HOPE Program (Lerner Cottage) is designed for male youth 10-14 who are in need of treatment for sexually harmful behaviors. This program provides services in accordance with 465 IAC rule 9 (CCI), the DCS Residential Treatment Services Provider Contract, and the DCS Service Standard for Residential Services for Treatment of Youth with Sexually Harmful Behaviors. The program is designed for a 9-12 month length of stay..
Treatment Philosophy
The program provides a highly structured living unit utilizing a relapse prevention model and cognitive behavioral approach. Positive discipline with a nurturing approach helps to develop appropriate internal controls and social skills.
Referral Process
Placing agency representative should contact:
Kristi Balentine
574-875-5117 or kbalentine@bashor.org
(The program director has the discretion to accept or reject referrals for admission.)
Discharge Planning
The goal is to return each resident to his own home, foster home or appropriate setting. The process begins at admission and is regularly evaluated during treatment. Aftercare plans are developed and may be provided through the Oaklawn or Holy Cross Counseling Group. Assistance is provided in finding appropriate foster care when needed.
Program Features
Therapy services provided by Oaklawn Psychiatric Center and Holy Cross Counseling Group utilize the relapse prevention model and a cognitive behavioral approach. Youth Care Staff are trained in working with sexually reactive youth and eligible staff are trained through INAJSOP.
Psychiatric services to complete evaluations and monitor psychotropic drugs are provided through Oaklawn Psychiatric Center. A small classroom setting with a licensed teacher provides educational services to develop and strengthen academic skills. Therapeutic recreational activities focus on skill development. An outdoor adventure course is utilized in the program.