Program Mission
Our program is a collaborative partnership between Bashor Children's Home and Oaklawn Psychiatric Center designed for innovative care that provides quality residential and mental health service. The program is designed to give youth the opportunity to build on their areas of strength and be transitioned to less restrictive levels of care without need for movement out of the program. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide success for youth and their families long after the completion of residential care.
Who do we serve?
- Boys/young men ages 8-18
- Girls/young women ages 13-18
Areas of specialization
- Behavioral Modification
- Substance Abuse
- Mental Health/Trauma Informed
- Sexually Maladaptive Behavior
- Criminogenic Needs/Risk Reduction
- Specialized Therapeutic Foster Homes
Treatment Philosophy
The program is designed to be flexible to meet the needs of youth and their families. The multi-disciplinary planning encompasses therapy, education, medical, spiritual, and recreation in holistic approach. Youth are met at their level of need with the ability to transition to less restrictive care. The ultimate goal is to return the youth to their family, foster care, or independent living depending on identified goals. The program is highly structured and utilizes, skills development, relapse prevention, trauma informed/focused cognitive behavioral approaches, EMDR and skills training.
What separates us?
- On-site educational complex
- On-site medical clinic
- Fully locked secure/transition to staff secure
- Multi-agency partnerships
- Risk Assessment
- Cognitive Restructuring/ Thinking for a Change©
- Motivational Interviewing
- Intensified family engagement
- Concurrent planning for multiple discharge options
Referral Process
Referral information is reviewed by a multi-disciplinary team and a pre-admission visit is made with the family/child.
Referrals are accepted from the following:
- Department of Child Services
- Probation Departments
- Department of Education
- Department of Correction
- Private Referral (These referrals are first made to the “We Can Help” line and then coordinated with the residential services)
Placing agency representatives should contact
Kristi Balentine
Residential Services Administrative Assistant
574-875-5117 or kbalentine@bashor.org