Program Mission
Help young people transition out of residential treatment and into a home environment until they are reunified with their parents, adopted, or become independent.
Target Population
Male and female young people between the ages of 8 and 19 who have completed treatment at Bashor Children's Home and who are in need of a stable home environment as a part of their permanency plan.
Referral Process
Referrals can be made at any point during a young person's treatment at Bashor. The referral will be reviewed by the young person's treatment team and the therapeutic foster care team.
Eligibility will be based on the availability of an appropriate foster home.
Program Features
Foster parents become a part of a youth's treatment process once a referral has been made and accepted.
Foster parents receive training on the specific nature of each youth's issues and receive ongoing support to help deal with those issues in an effective manner.
At the time of discharge from residential the youth will have a period of transition into the foster home of no less than 5 weeks.
Once the youth is placed in the therapeutic foster home, Bashor support services will be available for the youth and foster parents. Therapeutic support is available from the youth's residential treatment team. A minimum of weekly case management visits are made to the youth and foster family. Bashor staff are on-call 24 hours a day to answer questions and provide support.
Respite care is available for foster parents when necessary. The youth can be placed back on a residential unit for respite care if necessary at no additional charge to the placing agency.
Discharge Planning
Plans for discharge begin at admission. These plans can include family reunification, adoption, long term foster care placement, or independent living.
For more information contact:
Gary McRae
Program Director, Therapeutic Foster Care
574-875-5117 ext. 2370 or GMcRae@Bashor.org